The William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center embodies the IAM’s commitment to membership training. The Center’s curriculum is comprehensive and concise and includes programs on lodge administration, organizing, collective bargaining, communications, and arbitration. Participants learn how to navigate the changing workplace, advocate for their fellow members, and stand up to unfair bosses and company practices. They return to their Districts and Locals prepared to lead.
The Winpisinger Center is named for former International President William W. Winpisinger, affectionately called Wimpy, who conceived of a facility where members could come together, share ideas, and learn from instructors and each other. His vision of worker education was considered radical at the time.
The IAM is the only union in North America with a facility dedicated to the education of its membership. After forty years, the Winpisinger Center continues to adhere to the original tenets of President Winpisinger’s vision. Since its opening in 1981, almost 90,000 participants have attended its programs. Because of our commitment to membership training, the IAM is prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st-century head-on and win.
Today, the Winpisinger Center continues its pragmatic approach to education, grounded in the experiences of the membership and field representatives but never losing sight of innovation in curriculum, delivery, and programming. Wimpy would be proud of his namesake institution and the hard work of every participant who has walked through its doors eager to build strength in the labor movement. We can’t wait to see what the next forty years bring.
Robert Martinez, Jr.
International President
Dora Cervantes
General Secretary-Treasurer
William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center
24494 Placid Harbor Way
Hollywood, Maryland 20636
Phone: 301-373-3300
Fax: 301-373-2860